I've always carried the fear of being ashamed. This fear, likely rooted in my childhood, followed me like a shadow. I used to be more hesitant to share my thoughts online, often taking back comments shortly after posting them or removing my tweets entirely, even though I had zero subscribers.
I am very picky when it comes to push notifications. My default setting is "off", and I will only allow an app to send me push notifications when it is truly important (Apple Wallet for example). A crucial criterion for me to keep notifications on is for the app to have consistent behavior and offer control over the notifications I receive.
After a couple of years of having “Hello, world!” written on my web page, I have finally decided to take it to the next level and create an animation that would type those same words. I started looking for a similar animation on the Internet since I did not want to waste time reinventing the wheel.
As I was scrolling through the iOS App Store in an attempt to explore new apps and games, after opening an uncountable number of apps, I began to notice something that had previously escaped my attention: What a smooth and pleasant transition, I thought. After re-watching this animation, again and again, a question sparked in my mind: Could I create something similar in the browser?